Day Care Facility

- PP2: Timing 9:30 am to 2:00 pm
- Alphabets (Caps), Number – 1 to 100, Number Names, Concepts: Additions, Subtraction, Greater than or Lesser than, backward counting, Ordinal Numbers, Reading the clock, Comparative words General Knowledge, Shapes, Colours, Fruits, Vegetables, National Symbols, Community Helpers, Good food habits, Seasons, Activities, Rhymes (English, Telugu, Hindi), Orals etc.
Grade 1
- Grade 1: Timing 9:30 am to 2:00 pm
- Xseed Curriculum - XSEED is a proven and research based academic program for schools that builds thinking skills & problem solving ability in children. XSEED children ask more questions, can write in their own words, like doing word problems in mathematics, can complete their homework on their own, are not afraid to speak-up in English, persist longer in solving problems, and score well on tests

Daily Routine

Snacks Planner

Monthly Bulletins